“Your presence is distinctive - calming, confidence-inspiring, well-spoken, intelligent, empathetic”


"Caroline was an excellent listner and really picked up on all the important parts - through excellent questions and giving me the space to respond I was really able to think through some of the core challenges"

"She was great in asking questions to guide me to find the answers myself"

"Working with you has really made me think about my career and day to day work life more strategically while focusing on my personal needs and values. What surprised me most was really seeing that I knew the path I wanted to go"

"nicely navigated between the personal and professional aspects of how to approach challenges and thinking"

My Managers

“Cool, calm, collected, intentional, thoughtful”

"experienced leader in multiple environments and functions, strong business instincts, good listener, calm in the midst of chaos"


"No matter the role/position you play you focus on people first"

"You have a very real empathy for people"

“Balance authority with approachability, relatability, availability"

“Balance authority with approachability, relatability, availability"

"you've really travelled the world and through that have experienced so much, developing a deep understanding and appreciation for all kinds of diversity"


“A natural inclination to be honest, transparent and vulnerable”

“Don’t take much BS from anyone”

"you gracefully and powerfully get a lot of sh*t done"

"you care deeply for those around you and within your circles"

“Sports background and team culture”

“Love of terrifyingly scary movies”

“Lover of beautiful, functional, lovely things”

"Always a student"